
Mariagrazia Abbaldo has been working with Paolo Albertelli in Turin under the Studio C&C label since 1997

Mariagrazia Abbaldo started her studies at the Istituto d'Arte Jona Ottolenghi in Acqui Terme and graduated in architecture from the Politecnico di Torino in the early 1990s.

Between 1989 and 1999 she works in the studio of Turin architect Elio Luzi, where she explored the sculptural aspect of architecture. She favours organic volumes and an unconventional and ironic use of materials. Mariagrazia Abbaldo uses drawing and engraving as tools both in practice and for study purposes. Her interest in landscapes and their transformations stems from her rural origins and her family's wine production in the province of Asti (Piedmont), where she was born in 1964 in Nizza Monferrato.


Paolo Albertelli studied architecture at the Politecnico di Torino. At the same time, he collaborates with various artists, including Gilberto Zorio, Marco Gastini, Luigi Mainolfi and Sergio Fermariello, as well as with professional landscape architects specialising in the design of parks and gardens, such as Paolo Pejrone and Anna Peyron.


His close connection to landscapes and his interest in natural elements has developed since childhood as a passion for the mountains and the sea. A recurring theme in his research is the concept of the border, in particular the border between earth and sky. For him, the human presence represents the final frontier between the earth and the infinite - born in Turin in 1966, the city where he still lives and works.
